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The importance of selecting the correct bond for your brickwork cannot be understated. Any of the traditional brick bonds can be replicated in modern single skin brickwork construction. The use of Flemish Bond for example, can immediately give the wall a feeling of solidity, especially when using with deep reveals. Half bricks and Quarter brick closers can be produced or cut to make the bond.

Some examples can be seen below, but please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements in more detail.

View the BDA (Brick Development Association) guide to brickwork bonds

Stretcher Bond

With the stretcher bond, courses are laid as stretchers with the joint of one course falling midway between the joints of the courses below. As the outer leaf of a building envelope is now only half a brick thick in modern construction, stretcher bond has become the most popular bond as it is time and cost effective to use.

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Flemish Bond

The traditional Flemish brick has alternative stretchers and headers on every course, with the headers centred over the stretchers underneath. From the beginning of the 18th century, the Flemish bond superseded English bond. Flemish bonds can be replicated in the half-brick outer leaf of a cavity wall by using whole bricks as stretchers, while the headers are created by half bricks called bats or snap-headers.

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Header Bond

Popular during the 18th century, the header bond pattern often employed contrasting brick colours to give a decorative effect. This bond uses so many bricks that it is usually reserved for very high-quality buildings. It can also used for radial brickwork, as the header faces can accommodate smaller radii.

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English Bond

The traditional English brick bond alternates between stretcher and header courses, with headers centred over the stretchers underneath. This is the oldest pattern, and was commonly used until the end of the 17th century. English Bond is considered stronger than Flemish bond, so continues to be used for civil engineering projects, such as bridges, viaducts and embankments.

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English Garden Wall

The decorative English garden wall bond has three courses of stretchers between every course of headers, often in a different colour. Laying stretchers uses up fewer bricks than laying headers however it is also less strong hence its use in traditional walled gardens and other modest structures.

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Flemish Garden Wall

Flemish Garden Wall bond, also known as Sussex Bond, is a decorative take on the commonly used Flemish Bond. Flemish Garden Wall bond uses three bricks laid in stretcher and then one as a header. This is then repeated along each course with the bond stepped by quarter of a brick.

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